Wordless Wednesday

This picture was taken while the children were dancing to the theme song for Maya and Miguel.


Shosh said…
YOu have happy beautiful children.
Melissa said…
omigosh, they look like they are having soo much fun!! happy WW
Latoya said…
Hi Melissa,

Thanks for visiting! Yes, they were having lots of fun that day. Children are so amazing to me sometimes.
carmilevy said…
There is a beautiful energy in this image: kids being kids, unencumbered by rules or limitations. I love this shot!

Speaking of WW, my latest image is now up:


Hope you have a wonderful rest-of-Wordless-Wednesday!

Sherrie said…
They make me miss my niece!!!! I think I am getting more nesty with each day. :-)

The pic over at my wordless was taken on a Sony cyber shot, I love my camera, it takes such great pictures and I did not pay that much for it as its an older version that I bought off the display! :-)
Sherrie said…
You can only sign in with googgle, Im stickyapplekisses.com
Toknowhim said…

My new post of my new MEME is up if you would like to participate again...
SimplyBillie said…
That is so cute! Looks like they were having a great time!

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