"I AM.. Online Bible Study."

I came across this online Bible study and so far it has blessed me -- just to read it and now I would like to participate in it and I pray that it will be a blessing to others who visit the website by clicking the link above or by reading my responses to the questions. Thank you Lisa and may God continue to bless and keep you and your family."
Lesson 1:
Just In Time
Acts 7:17-20
(to see the complete reading click on picture above on the side)
1. Are there any circumstances or relationships in your life where you can see God has intentionally placed you? What do you perceive may be at stake if you do or do not speak out for Him? Yes, there are relationships and circumstances that I believe God has intentionally placed me in and around. I believe that just as everything God has created has a purpose. I am here for a purpose and everything I do or say must be done for God's Glory. I perceive that if I don't speak out for Him especially if He has placed it upon my heart to do so then I won't be obedient to Him.
(1 Samuel 15:22) So Samuel said: "Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. Obeying God and His Word is very important to me as there are positive consequences for obedience -- there are also negative consequences for disobedience. I would much rather obey and be a blessing to others (whether they like it or not is not my concern). I must do the will of my Father.
2. Can you honestly describe yourself as a woman with a 'yes' in her spirit? If not, what keeps you from this? Yes, I can honestly say that I am a woman with a yes to God in her spirit. Most recently that yes has become a strong and steady one. In the past it has been difficult and a challenge at time because I struggled with a spirit of fear and intimidation. But thanks be to God for He has given me victory over that. I am no longer intimated. God has made me free in that area of my life. This deliverance came about by facing certain circumstances and situations in my life and I just had to confront them with boldness and not hold back or run away from them. I thank God for this freedom because now I can be more available to Him and for Him to use me for His Glory.
3. Do you recognize any circumstances in your life which could be described as an 'unrecurring event'? Have you ever said 'no' to one and watched God use someone else instead? Yes, I can remember one event that occurred over a year ago. I was asked to do a praise dance at an annual church event. I think at that time I was overwhelmed with my job and so I turned it down. I attended the event and watched God used another person to minister in dance at the event. I have learned that even when we want to say yes that certain situations or circumstances in our lives may blindside us and cause us to miss a God-given opportunity.
4. Are you in an emotionally and spiritually healthy place? If yes, how are you using this freedom to minister to others? If no, what do you feel is holding you in your Egypt? I would say that right now I need to work on being in a healthy place emotionally. What is holding me back is my thoughts in regards to this situation that I am dealing with right now. That can really wear on you especially for the fact that I feel it is not completely my fault and I am trying to work it out but I am not getting the cooperation that I think is needed in order to resolve this issue (on-going issue for almost 6 years). So because of that I had to take drastic measures and within a week or two, I believe it will work out and then I can be more at peace and get some things in order.
Spiritually I would say that I am doing alright but I want to be much much better. Yes I can minister to others but I want to be fully equipped in every way so I may be 100% available for God to do what He wants to do through me. I don't want to be half way there. And really my major area of change is consistency. I need to be consistent on a daily basis with my devotional times with God. My prayer and I hope you will pray for me in this area is to be consistent in times of prayer, reading the word, exercising my faith (being a doer of the word at all times, and trusting God in all things at all times) and finally fasting. I need to be consistent in setting apart times of complete and total consecration to the Lord by denying myself of physical food and entertainment --- to feasting on the Word of God, seeking Him with all my heart, mind, soul and body (everything within me) and being in His presence. Also so that I may get to know Him better and hear Him more clearly.


Hi Godmomie Latoya,

W-O-W, you really finished that puzzle fast! Thank you for coming by to see me and sending me the link to Godpopie Justin's My Space page. Grammy wanted you to know that she put a link button on my blog for him so I can visit from time to time. Tell him to check there for a message from me!

Love, Elijah

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