Wordless Wednesday!


Mimi Lenox said…
Great photo and lovely blog you have here. My first visit.

Leaving a special note for WW participants tonight.
We will have another BlogBlast For Peace November 7, 2007. Bloggers from all over the world will blog for peace. You are cordially invited to fly your peace globe and write a Dona Nobis Pacem post that day. Thanks to the many WW bloggers who participated last year. It will be a fantastic day in the blogosphere! Click here for the scoop and please spread the groovy peace vibe on your blogs if you would be so kind.
How To Get Your Peace Globe November 2007

Forgetfulone said…
oooooooohhhhhhh. i love that photo.
Oldqueen44 said…
Thats the way me and My Knight sleep too. Ha Ha... He would squash me.gtpah
Sophia said…
Awww that is such a sweet photo!!! So adorable.

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