Facts you may not know about me...

1. I was born and raised in Jamaica until 10 years old.

2. I have been back to Jamaica to visit my family and friends about 3 maybe 4 times.

3. I have been living in the United States of America for 17 years on the seventeenth of this month.

4. I am proud to be a naturalized citizen of the U.S.A. for 8 almost 9 years.

5. I met my husband in church. My husband was born in America.

6. My life was never the same after we entered into a relationship with each other.

7. I am a teacher -- I am currently teaching 3rd grade.

8. My husband is a Pastor/Teacher. He has a very strong gift for teaching.

9. We have a Bible Institute where working adult students attend to earn an Associates degree or Bachelors degree. We are also currently collecting books for our library.

10. I love to praise and worship God with my all especially through interpretative dance/praise dancing.

11. I like to take pictures of many things.

12. I love scrapbooking. I was once a Creative Memories consultant. I really miss it.

13. I am currently a Mary Kay consultant but not an aggressive one. I have products for family, friends and anyone who inquires. However I don't aggressively pursue it because that is not my passion/purpose in life. I have a passion to see women and children made free by the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

14. I am not a sales type person. I don't like being in people's faces always trying to sell them something.

15. I would much rather give people hope, encouragement, godly advice, godly counsel, and godly wisdom than to try and sell them something.

16. I am a God's servant to His people. I am a child of the Most High God.

17. I love the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul and strength. I owe Him everything. He has been EVERYTHING to me and so much more.

18. I am currently moving into my God given destiny. There is so much peace in living life in God's purpose.

19. Between my mom and dad -- I have about 9 sisters and two brothers.

20. My husband is an only child – he has no siblings. :-)


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