Internet Cafe

Question of the Week
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If you could go back in time to a pivotal point in your young life and give yourself one word/sentence of advice, and know that you would accept the advice, what would it be? Imagine what a gift it would be if we could actually go back in time and give ourselves advice…Hmm… Of course we cannot, but I think this is a great question for us to ponder. Although, I think many of us would agree that we learned more from the mistakes we made, but wouldn’t it be nice to not have to learn the “hard way” in some situations? Have fun with the question this week.
My advice to myself would be "Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, take it one day at a time and enjoy the journey." That would be the advice I would give myself beginning at the age of 13. At that time I just moved away from my father who lived in NY to living with my aunt in PA. I met some friends who were older than myself. Because I had such low self-esteem from being verbally abused by my father I started searching for acceptance, love, understanding, and care from anyone who would give it to me. Some of the young people I began to hang around with were at least 3-5 years older than me and the pressure was on for me to be accepted by them --I did not know any better at the time. No one taught me. I wanted to be just like them which meant growing up fast to get what they had. For about 12 years of my life I was setting goals so high for myself that all I wanted to do was reach that goal and I did not care for the process. I know now that life is all about the process and we have to go through the process properly if we want a desirable outcome.
I thank God for sending someone in my life that said something to me over and over on a daily basis until it sunk in my mind and heart and that was to take life "one day at a time, be concerned with just today. Don't be in such a hurry to get the end results and miss out on the journey."
I have come to know and understand that it is through the journey that we find God's perfect will which includes His peace, joy, love, wisdom, understanding, and just learning how to trust Him more and more each day. I thank God for His grace and mercy in my life especially during those times when I was in such a hurry. I am stilling learning more and more each day to wait on the Lord and be of good courage. For the race is not given to the swift(those who are in a hurry) but to he who will endure to the end. So I must be patient and have endurance in this life.
My advice to myself would be "Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, take it one day at a time and enjoy the journey." That would be the advice I would give myself beginning at the age of 13. At that time I just moved away from my father who lived in NY to living with my aunt in PA. I met some friends who were older than myself. Because I had such low self-esteem from being verbally abused by my father I started searching for acceptance, love, understanding, and care from anyone who would give it to me. Some of the young people I began to hang around with were at least 3-5 years older than me and the pressure was on for me to be accepted by them --I did not know any better at the time. No one taught me. I wanted to be just like them which meant growing up fast to get what they had. For about 12 years of my life I was setting goals so high for myself that all I wanted to do was reach that goal and I did not care for the process. I know now that life is all about the process and we have to go through the process properly if we want a desirable outcome.
I thank God for sending someone in my life that said something to me over and over on a daily basis until it sunk in my mind and heart and that was to take life "one day at a time, be concerned with just today. Don't be in such a hurry to get the end results and miss out on the journey."
I have come to know and understand that it is through the journey that we find God's perfect will which includes His peace, joy, love, wisdom, understanding, and just learning how to trust Him more and more each day. I thank God for His grace and mercy in my life especially during those times when I was in such a hurry. I am stilling learning more and more each day to wait on the Lord and be of good courage. For the race is not given to the swift(those who are in a hurry) but to he who will endure to the end. So I must be patient and have endurance in this life.
Thanks for sharing today...This Christian life is a race that takes perserverance (I think I spelled that wrong), but it is the only race worth running down here on planet Earth... Blessings