"I Am" Bible Study -- Lesson 2

Lesson Two - Beautiful To God
Background reading: Exodus 2, Acts 7, Isaiah 53

Once again I came across this study a while back and it has truly blessed me. To get the full reading you should visit the website. If you are interested just simply click on the picture above or on the sidebar. Thank you!

Discussion Questions:

1. What is your initial response when anyone suggests you are beautiful?

My initial response to this comment is usually thank you with a smile. Lately I have been adding a "thank you, Lord" and reminding myself that my beauty comes from the Spirit of Christ which dwells in me.

2. Do you find you engage in a lot of negative 'self-talk'? How much of your thought life does this form of thinking consume?

I have to really think about this one... I find that I may have negative thoughts about myself whenever I am trying to find something formal to wear especially because I have issues with my body and my hair. I am currently going through major changes in both areas and I'm just praying for patience with myself. It is a very frustrating time for me because I want to look good and presentable outwardly but I don't want to put so much emphasis on my outward appearance that I draw attention to myself and cause personal distractions. I always try to be mindful of what I wear and to know that it's not about me. I don't ever want to do anything to draw attention to myself and not Jesus. I want others to be focused on Christ whom I am representing and not what I am wearing.

3. What is the most radical transformation you've witnessed in an individual after they were born again? It's okay to tell about your own!

Well, this one I must also think about... I would have to say it's seeing a person go from being sad all the time to being filled to overflowing with laughter, joy, happiness, and peace. Also to be less selfish to reaching out to others and sharing the gospel with anyone and everyone they come in contact with.

4. The imagery of being a City Girl has absolutely changed the way I perceive my worth before God. Does it yours? Will you receive this truth and let it boost your righteous confidence?

Yes, it makes me want to be more Christ-like and apply His principles of being kind, tenderhearted, loving, caring, gentle, meek, good, forgiving, patient, long-suffering, and temperate in all areas of my life and especially toward others. And esteeming others above myself. Yes, I will receive this truth and walk it out in righteous confidence before my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!


Hi LaToya!

I enjoyed reading your answers, particularly #2 when you talked about clothing...I have the same issues of looking nice vs. putting too much emphasis on the outside.

I'm so glad you are participating in this study! There are several girls who are taking it righ now, so be sure and check the Linky's under each lesson to find others who are walking through it! ;)

Much love,

God Chaser said…
Even though you did this lesson in June I hope you are still participating. I have just started and enjoyed reading your responses. Lookin gforward to sharing this study with others

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