Know and Tell Friday!

Question 1:
What makes you cry?
Anything that has to do with abortion. Any stories I have heard or read. Also the pictures of aborted babies makes me cry. I know this is a really intense issue but it really does upset me. Even to the point where it is difficult for me to hear or view anything that has to do with aborting babies. I also love babies very much I think they are so sweet, precious, innocent, beautiful and an amazing gift from God. So I think it is because I have such a passion and intense love for babies that when I see this injustice that is brought upon them and there is nothing they can do about it -- it makes me very sad.
Question 2:
(Hopefully this question will bring a little comic relief your way)I am assuming everyone goes to their gyno for their regular checkups.... What do you do when you are getting you pap smear done?
I feel very uncomfortable during the entire examination. Then I feel very relieved when it is over.
Question 3:
(If you have recovered from question 2)Dream Job (Being a wife and a mother is probably the number one answer, so for this question name an occupation or ministry that you would like to work in)
I am so blessed because I am now working in the area of ministry that I believe that God wants me to be in. That is Christian Counseling. I love counseling women and children.
Bonus Question:
(Going Deeper...)What is one thing that you struggle with presently, or struggled with in the past that you hope does not get passed down to your children?
Lacking self-confidence. I too am currently praying and allowing God to work in my life in this area and believe me the opportunities are coming left and right for me to get deliverance in this area of my life. I thank God for all that he has brought me through so far so that my children won't have to suffer the things I did.


Toknowhim said…
Wow, your answers are great too. What passion you have... I bet you are a great counselor to women and children. Blessings, and have a great weekend!!!
Cheryl said…
You have a nice post today. I enjoyed my visit here. Thanks for sharing. God Bless!

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