Did you know that your obedience is directly connected to your love!!! Just think about... The deeper our love is for an individual the more we want to and the more we yield ourselves over into doing the things that pleases that individual. Children are notorious for this. They will often do anything to please the adults in their lives especially their parents because they have such a pure, unconditional love for them. How about when you first start falling in love with that special someone --- weren't you willing to do just about anything for that person because you loved them so much. Well you may be wondering where I am going with this ... Ok, here it is! We ought to love God so much that it's not a problem or issue when it comes to obeying Him. We know that everything that God has ever wanted us to do is always for our own good -- never for "bad". God is a good, Father. He will never lead us astray. He made us, He will never tell us to do something that will cause...