Are You Offended???

And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may come to their senses and escape the snare [entrapment] of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.  ~2Timothy 2:24-26, Emphasis Added~

Many people are unable to function properly in God's purpose and calling for their lives because of the wounds, hurts, and offenses in their lives. ~John Bevere~

I have found this to be true through personal experiences and the experiences of others that I have witnessed over the years.  I find that people who have been wounded, hurt, and or offended experience much frustration.  The frustration comes sometimes because this offense may have occurred many times by many different people over many years.  It maybe that the person who have experience such pain in their lifetime showed immediate forgiveness and was able to be reconciled back to a healthy relationship with the individual or individuals who have inflicted much pain in their lives on the onset.  But because of repeat performances this individual find it more difficult to move on in a healthy way according to God's standard.

However, what does a person do who have experienced this offense or pain over and over again by the same person or many others over a long period of time??? What should you or anyone who has experienced this unfortunate reality do??? What must a person do with all the frustration that they are experiencing? What must they do with the confusion? What should they do with the lack of information on their part as well as the offender? How does one move on with life as a "normal" person before the pain, hurt, or offense? What is the healthy way to process such wound that literally cripples you spiritual, mentally, emotional, and or physically??? Is it God's will for a person to stay in a state of confusion or bondage because of a wound, hurt or an offense committed by another person? 

So many questions... I don't have all the answers but I know who does... God's WORD (The BIBLE) has all the answers and the perfect solution for every situation and circumstance we may experience in life.  Adverse things happen simply because we live in a fallen world.  One thing we must always remember is we live in a fallen world that was corrupted by Sin.  The fact is hurt people hurt people... It is a vicious cycle... One thing that can break that cycle and this one thing being key is FORGIVENESS... Yes, we have to forgive and must forgive in order to not do to others what has been done to us... In order to release ourselves from the grip of the enemy we must forgive... In order not to hurt, wound, or cause another person pain in the same way we have been hurt we must forgive.  Forgiveness for the most part sometimes is easier said than done.  We are humans and as children of God we are learning each and everyday to be more like Christ.  We are becoming more and more like Him - perfect and complete... We must remember that we have flaws and we won't always do what is right according to God's standard 100% of the time.  That should bring a sense of ease with what we expect from ourselves as well as what we expect from others.  As a matter of fact what it should do is cause us to say and continually remember to not put unrealistic expectations on others and be open to know that others will cause us hurt, pain, and offense.  Even though the less we expect or demand from someone else the better off we will be in not receiving an offense, hurt, or wound that is a bait of satan sent to us to trap us in his sick and twisted schemes.  That's right satan - the Father of lies (He is a Liar and the truth is never and can never be found in him), he (satan) is a deceiver, his goal is to steal, kill, and destroy.  Those are his main mission in life. He literally want peoples lives to be miserable, incomplete, lacking, unhappy, unhealthy, unfulfilled, unloving, unattractive, etc. He wants to put you in captivity, hold you in bondage, and steal everything away from us that God wants us to have and has sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for us for. The devil wants to cripple us so that we won't fulfill the Will of God for our lives and be a Blessing to others. The devil goal is to take as many people to HELL with him as possible. HELL is not a nice place and God did not make HELL for people. It was created for the devil and his followers.

God does not now or ever intend for us to get hurt, wounded, offended, and ultimately be trapped by the devil.  We must remember Jesus came to set the captive free. He (Jesus) came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. So when a person experience things in life that causes pain, hurt, etc. we must remember that the source is not God, the source is not people, but the source is the devil himself.  With that in mind we must put the WORD to work by praying, singing, and putting into practice the WORD of GOD which is powerful, and living... In order for us to not seek revenge on those who hurt us, in order for us not build up walls to protect ourselves from being hurt again, in order for us to live in freedom and in truth, in order for us to live the life that God has ordained for us to live before the foundation of the world we must believe and put the powerful Word of God into practice.  God's Word, the Scriptures says, we must Trust Him with all our heart and lean not to our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge Him so that He will direct our paths.  His Word also says we must submit ourselves to Him(God), resist the devil and he will flee.  His Word tells us in everything we are to give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us.  He says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places... Wow, did you get that? Our struggle/fight is not with people but with the devil and his imps. The Word of God says we are overcomers and Jesus gave us the Victory.  It also says that Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.  The Word tells us that we know that all things work together for good to them that love God and to those who are the called according to His purpose.

I don't know about anybody else but I'm tired of the devil and his games and I declare war against the kingdom of darkness right now in Jesus Name... I have on the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, the Gospel Shoes of Peace, the Shield of Faith, and the Sword of the Spirit.  I'm ready to battle for what's right and I'm taking back all that the enemy has tried to steal from me.  I decree and declare reconciliation in every broken relationship in Jesus Name, I decree and declare restoration of finances, health, and everything that God has for us is for us and we will stand in position ready to receive and to give all that God has for us to receive and give in Jesus Name.  Thank you Father for new life, a fresh anointing, for release from debt, for increase in finances, and open doors that You open and no one can shut.  Thank you, Father! You are a good Father that only desire good for Your Children... In everything Father, I say "THANK YOU!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!


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