Very Important Information! Think About It! Is It Worth It?

! Abortion Complications
Immediate Complications

Excessive bleeding (hemorrhage)*Using RU-486, bleeding can go on for more than a monthPuncture and tearing of the womb (uterus)*Infection from mild to fatal in intensity (sometimes parts of the baby are left inside the womb)Cervical laceration in 5% of womenHepatitis, from blood transfusions, blood clots and embolisms Sterility, ranging from 2% to 5% of abortions*Could make removal of the uterus necessary. Your partner would then be unable to have any children.

Long-Term Complications

Guilt and personality disturbancesIn future desired pregnancies: Miscarriage Premature delivery because of damage to the cervix Tubal pregnancies (increased from 8-fold to 20-fold by abortion)Breast CancerAn abortion during high estrogen levels in the early months of pregnancy predisposes a woman to getting breast cancer. In fact, a full-term pregnancy early in a woman's reproductive life is protective against breast cancer. A 1994 National Cancer Institute study of over 1,800 women in Washington state found a significant 50 percent risk increase among women who had an abortion. The risk was more than double for women whose abortion (or first abortion) took place before age 18 or over age 30.


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