I Belong To Him!

I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus. I believe in my heart that God sent His Only Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. I believe in my heart that Christ Jesus came to this earth, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, took the wrath of God upon Himself for the punishment of my sins so that I may recieve the gift of eternal life. I believe in my heart that Jesus died and the Spirit of God raised Him up on the 3rd day. I believe that Jesus is alive forever more and He is now seated at the right hand of God ever interceeding for me. I believe that Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to live in me and be with me so that I may live this life according to His will. I have confessed with my mouth and believed in my heart that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and that I am saved. Hallelujah! I believe in my heart and therefore it is accounted unto me as righteousness, therefore I am in right standing with God. My name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Hallelujah! I am no longer a slave to sin because I have recieved the Spirit of adoption by whom I cry, "Abba" Father! I am adopted into the Family of God. I am accepted by God. I am loved unconditionally by God. I am valued and valuable. I am precious in His sight. I am the apple of His Eye. Jesus has made me worthy. I am adequate. I am unique no one can do what God has created me to do. There is only one of me. I am adored by God. I am clean because of Christ. I am a daughter of the King and that makes me a Princess. I am eternally secured, because God will never let me go. I am forever forgiven. I am sealed by the Spirit of God that bears witness with my spirit that I am a child of God. I belong to Jesus, I am in Him and He is in Me. I am anointed by God. I am a powerful woman of God. I am a joint heir with Jesus. I have power, Holy Spirit Power! I have love, God's love dwells in me. I have a sound mind. I have the mind of Christ. I am led by the Spirit of God because I am a son (daughter) of God. I am free because Jesus has made me free. I am a new person (creation). The old has gone and everything has been made new. I am filled with the Spirit of God. I am a bold and courageous witness for Christ Jesus. Amen!


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