

Anonymous said…
Wow. That was sad and happy at the same time...
Toknowhim said…
Came by to wish you a Happy New Year!!! May you fall more in love with Jesus this year :)
Latoya said…
Hello Caribbean Shulamite,

Happy New Year to you as well!!!

The first time I saw this video I cried. Then I was just in awe at the love that these two had for their precious little one and how much they cherished the time they had with him. It reminded me of our Father's love and care for us individually. I saw God's goodness!!!
Anonymous said…
Latoya, what was also so touching was how they just trusted in the sovereignty and goodness of God. I'm sure it was hard but there was no hint of bitterness or anger in their story...

Btw, I tagged you on what I guess is a meme that I've started. Not being the meme-type of person myself, I hope that this is productive and not just enjoyable!
L2L said…
I am clinging to the wonderful words spoken at the end when he said that they were only seperated by the time they had left on earth. How that brings comfort to a mom who has lost a child.
Latoya said…
Yes, I noticed that also. It had to have been the Holy Spirit who comforted them and gave them peace about the entire situation and

L2L: that had to give them hope to know that one day soon they will see their precious one again and forever this time.

The meme is fine with me.

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