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Know and Tell Friday!
To participate in this meme you may click on the following link: http://toknowhimjesus.blogspot.com/2008/02/know-tell-friday.html Question 1 (In honor of my best fwend today.... she has been so ill :( How often do you get real sick? I really don't get sick often at all. It's been that way ever since I can remember. I remember wanting to be sick so I could stay home from school just for one day. Question 2 Do you usually send serious or humorous greeting cards? Why? I usually send serious ones because I like to be a blessing to others by giving words of encouragement, wisdom, and appreciation. Question 3 Are you a person who has a whole lot of acquaintances, or just a few very close friends? I have both. I have very few close friends because true friends are hard to come by. I hold what the Bible says a true friend should be to heart and it is hard to find genuine people who have the same belief/standards. I have many acquaintances because I believe that we are to live at peace ...
Characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit!
Characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit: 1. It is a satanic evil spirit. 2. The root of this spirit most often lies from hurt and pain bottled up within the carrier from childhood or unforgiveness from many hurts, pains, disappoints, abuse, etc. throughout the individuals life that has not been properly dealt with. This person was more than likely hurt by someone they loved, cared for, or trusted. The person carrying the jezebel spirit most often don’t know that they are carrying it because they have been deceived into believing that they are well and nothing is wrong. They most often deal with their hurts and pains by inflicting hurt and pain on others or getting others to sympathize with their pain to the point of bringing them under their control. They usually find people who have low-self-esteem, people who are genuinely loving God - minding their own business, and focus on the work that God has put in their hands, and people who lack discernment in regards to this spirit in par...
happy ww. :)
Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts