Eternal Life!!!

For those of us who have experienced the death of someone whom we love here is a poem for you. However, I must let you know that this poem is only pertaining to those who have accepted Jesus Christ has their Savior and Lord. Because Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life and no one comes to the Father (God) except through Him (Jesus). In other words the only way that you will have eternal life -- (living in Heaven with God forever after you die) is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord and to confess and repent from your sins (wicked/evil ways). Don't just take my word for it read the book of John in the Bible. And if you have any questions about it or would like someone to pray for you and with you -- feel free to email your name and number to me or your prayer requests. My email address is .

"Don't Cry For Me"
Don't cry for me, don't cry for me,
For I have longed to see the King,
I've worked so hard to seek His face
Don't cry for me, I've won the race
Oh please don't focus on what you see,
The shell you view it's not really me
The flesh must die but my spirit is alive
I now reside upon most high
Shed tears of joy not tears of sorrow
Although you'll miss me, I'll miss you too
We'll meet again when your work is through
O rejoice on my behalf, someone be my feet, someone be my hands
Rejoice down here, I'll be rejoicing over there
I have a new life and peace right here.
Finally, I just want to add that Revelation 21:4 says "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying."


Latoy that is a wonderful poem where ever did you get it. By the way your Blog is coming along beautifully.



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