The longer I live and the more I grow as a Child of God the more I am convinced that at the core of everything we do, say, and be, LOVE, has to be our motivating and most important factor. It is more important to be driven by love than anything else. We find this truth throughout scripture. Jesus told the disciples that the greatest commandment is to LOVE the LORD your GOD with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and to LOVE you neighbor as yourself. We find in 1Corinthians 13 that LOVE is the greatest of all. Everything we do and say must be driven by LOVE. I don't know about others but I know that I am always growing with God's help day by day in LOVE and learning how to LOVE not as the world define it but as God defined LOVE because HE is LOVE. For some reason all this week my mind has been meditating on LOVE, God's Way. I have been thinking and hearing about God's LOVE towards us and the truth is we cannot begin to fathom or even understand His undying, ...