Things Parents Should Do For Their Children.
Things parents should do for their children: 1. Pray for and with with your children. I believe one of the most powerful things a mother can do for her child is to pray for them. Pray for their well-being. Pray for their spiritual health, physical health, emotional health, social health, mental health, and their future success. 2. Teach them about Jesus Christ. I wish all parents would realize that the most important gift that you could give your child is the knowledge of Who Jesus Christ is and what He has done to redeem man back to the Father. Then give your child the opportunity to receive the gift of salvation - Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 3. Help your child to discover who they are according to the Word of God. Teach your child about themselves and help them to have a positive self-esteem. Help build confidence in them by praising their efforts, encouraging them, and allowing them to explore different things in life so they can begi...